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I     Are     A     Pilot    .com

Your Times2Rember.com Web Host, P. O. Box 406, Etowah, TN 37331
Email: WebGuy@Ronz.ws | Phone: 423-263-3335 (Cell)

This site was inspired by a group of dedicated friends who are the 'family' of Paula June Trahan (maiden name).


Paula, through this group's love and generosity, will be remembered here and soon will have her own web space where "Paula's Fan Club" will be able to contribute their memories via eidtable content including pictures, audio, and video.


Here's the recent ceremony with Paula's closest 'family' at Paula's favorite place on earth:

Thanks to Suzy Q for the above from her recent email:

I want to share my Flickr photostream of Paula's Memorial event at the Abacos Island with you. I'll be uploading more pictures of that weekend and the pictures that Marty and Renee took, too. I'm setting this grouping up as a "Family" set. We're Paula's "family."

Signing up for Flickr is free, and takes less than a minute. Just click here:
Here's to remembering Paula.

p.s. If you are not interested, just ignore this email. Flickr won't bug you again and there's nothing special you have to do.


I just ran across this pic and thought I'd share it with y'all.


N371WS (read it inverted) was converted from a stock factory Pitts to Experimental Exhibition 'tricked out' with a legal size page of enhancements (spring gear, pressure cowl, side hinged canopy, et al) by Real Kit Building Center at Pompano Air Center.


All 3 colors were metallic and were stunning in the sun, especially the gold and navy blue, but the photo doesn't do it justice.


It was originally owned by Paula Trahan Kepplinger Moore Cadby Moye (may she R.I.P.). Paula place 3rd at the '80 World Aerobatic Championships.